Saturday, August 04, 2007

At last Harry Survived...

Yes ...I am an not very good a reader. But i do read some books. More are kiddish books... Still love the kiddish fantasies.....:) .I still remember the day i got the first Harry Potter Book. I was in Engineering 2nd year then. One of my friend had the book. I took it from her. I had stopped reading the books for some time then. I never thought that i will complete the book. I thought that i will give it a try.

But i liked the book...surely because its the a kiddish One. I continued reading all other. When the 4th book was out i was the first one to buy it. I bought the 5th one when i joined TCS. And 6th one i got it from some one else. And the last one i bought it from US.

I am not a wright person to review it. But i can say wat i liked in it. It was kiddish i always like all kiddish things. The writer keeps you in the seat. I have read the book with out sleeping. And the correlation that is fantastic. The events that happens in the first book , we get the answer in th that was cool.......One thing that made me read is that the first books were small enough to read :)